Friday, March 6, 2020

10 Habits of Happy and Successful Students

10 Habits of Happy and Successful Students Happiness is not as unattainable phenomenon, as we often think. It can be quite simple to become a happy and successful person even if you are a stressed student with many deadlines. Here are 10 habits of happy and successful students you should know: 1. Happy students check results of studying and appreciate their  own achievements Try to study as hard as possible for you at this very moment. It will give you a lot of opportunities in the future. To stay happy and not to become a depressed person  during the studying appreciate your work and have a rest sometimes. 2.  Successful students  have strong relationships with others Don’t you know how important it is to have your family and friend’s support when you have exams? Researchers have shown that in the age of 70 those people who treasured relationships with family and did everything possible to support them are the happiest! 3. They believe that time is more valuable than money In the survey, it was found that the majority of happy people would prefer to have more time than money. It  proofs that people who value time, not material goods, get more out of life. 4. Successful people plan expenses and look for opportunities Inability to pay necessary bills is stressful for anyone. Therefore, the psychologists recommend to realistically assess your gains and not to purchase things that you can’t afford yet. Do you really need to have a Starbucks coffee or you can spend your day, week, or even month without it? 5. Happy students are able to notice the beauty around The scientists note that people who often pay attention to the pleasant things that happened to them or just notice everything beautiful around are more satisfied with their lives and feel healthier  than others and this makes them happier. 6. They spend a lot of time with friends Spending time with your friends makes you happier, doesn’t it? Particular pleasure we get in the company of the closest people influence on us. Be around people who consider themselves successful! Their sense of joy quickly transferred to all those who are in their close environment. 7. Happy students take care of their loved ones and often encourage them Psychologists say that people who often show spontaneous acts of kindness, much happier than those who do not. 8. Successful students spend money on experiences rather than material things There is a trend that people are much happier and even healthier if they often spend money on emotion. Although the purchase of desirable things makes a person happier, feeling of euphoria from the acquisition of things lasts less than the joy from experienced unforgettable travel or other experiences. 9. Happy people regularly participate in sports It is proved that exercises help to fight psychological problems, lack of discipline, and cope with stressful situations. In addition, studies have also shown that physical activity is directly connected with the feeling of happiness. 10. They learn how to be present here and now Some studies show that people who practise meditation are able to appreciate every moment of life and thats why they are much happier than others. Enjoy your life and be a happy  and successful student with On our website, you can find a tutor or a life coach and make your life a little bit easier and happier!

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